Johor Chief Minister Abdul Ghani Othman said the state will form an official Bigfoot-tracking team in a serious bid to find evidence of such a beast following the reported sightings late last year in the Endau Rompin National Park forest. (note:Endau Rompin National Park is situated along the Johor-Pahang border)My opinion is that Mentri Besar should learn the China's lesson before such adventure group to be formed. Otherwise, under the spirits of Malaysia Boleh, the concerned adventure team most probably bring some side effects to the concerned areas."The mystery of Bigfoot's existence has attracted a lot of interest," he was quoted as saying by the Bernama national news agency. "We hope the expedition will be able to prove its existence."
"Bigfoot" is a popular name given in the United States to giant hairy creatures walking on two legs. Sightings of such beasts have been reported in many parts of the world but their existence has never been proven.
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