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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Google Research Blog Launched

what Google Research is like, First let me say that we're not like the stereotype of a Research Lab: the place where you hide all the Ph.D.s to keep them away from the engineers who do the real work.

We're different for two reasons.

First, Google Engineering is different: it contains many world class Ph.D. researchers. For example, the top download from the ACM digital library last month was The Google File System, written by Google Ph.D.s who happen to be "engineers" (although in their previous jobs, two were at research labs and one was a grad student). This week's cover story in Nature describes work by Google Earth engineers in partnership with colleagues at CMU and NASA Ames.

Second, Google Research is different: we also have lots of world class Ph.D.s (and a few non-Ph.D.s). Yes, we write papers and prove theorems, but we're all here because we want to discover and build useful things that will change the world.

So who are we? We're experts in machine translation who came here....

Theunofficialgoogleweblog' s Chris Gilmer also blogged: This Reasearch blog should be a pretty good read, in that it could contain some pretty cool insight into the minds of the research department��s individuals.

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