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Sunday, February 26, 2006

China Tops World in Road Accidents

Road accidents, so hated yet not avoidable. My father fells into one of these victims, now almost doing nothing but just playing a Chinese traditional gambling activity--Majaung. Though such is not so decent, then what else he can do? A piece of very sad news now says: China Tops World in Road Accidents and death toll. But days ago I did read an exhilarating one--Chinese astronauts will perform spacewalk wearing our China's own-made EVA Suit.

Chinese Vice Minister of Communications Xu Yahua said in Beijing on Sunday that both the country's number of road accidents and the related death toll rank the first in the world last year.

In 2005, 98,738 people were killed in 450,000 road accidents and 470,000 others were injured, with direct property losses totaling 1.88 billion yuan (233.8 million U.S. dollars), the minister said.

Road safety has become one of the top concerns of the country, Xu said.

With the fast expanding auto market in China, the number of drivers increased by 5.5 million a year, or an annual growth of 10 percent, during the country's 10th Five-Year plan (2001-2005) period.


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