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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Example for a Bad Samaritan-Family

Uncle Sams has set an good Example for a Bad Samaritan-Family when one found other's lost digital camera. What a sharp contrast between two kinds of people! Such Sams is always appreciated and win respects from me! I once lost my wallet with 650US$ and some Riggits Malaysia inside and only realised this the next day when I needed it to pay for my lunch. Maybe you think this 650US$ is not too much, but in Malaysia it almost equals two-month salaries of an average worker or the half-year allowance of my mother in China. So now you can image how anxious I was. But I was lucky, when I checked back the a drinking shop on my campus where I visited last night. The boss instantly told me that his employee did pick up a wallet and let me discrible its characters and the things inside. After I made a detailed explanation, the boss nodded and returned it to me. Since then, we became good friends, whenever I see the boss, I will say hello to him. Boss, thank you again! Though you may not read this post, your good deeds will always be in my mind!

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