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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Two Wonderful Things Introduced on Boingboing

Two more wonderful things were introduced on Boing Boing. Cory Doctorow posted:
Motorized ice-cream cone for the lazy-tongued These $10 motorized ice-cream cones are just the thing for those of us with very, very lazy tongues. As the bumpf sez, "No more licking around the edges of a drippy cone." Whew. The nightmare is over.
Cory Doctorow also posted:

Clever kids' easel/chair is made out of a roll of paper

This genius chair/easel provides a huge roll of paper for a kid to sit on while s/he draws, and comes with a five-year supply of paper. The Chair is made with drawing paper, as the paper is being "drawn upon", the size of the front cylinder increases and thus follows the child's growth!- age 2-7 Years. Clean paper is transferred from the back cylinder to the front simply by rolling the front cylinder backwards. The amount of paper is approx. 500 meters, which means that the paper can be changed twice a week for 5 years.

(Photo source: Boing Boing)

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