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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Teen's Social Network

Internet offers teens a first choice to weave their social network compared to other means. As this internet network is comparatively more reclusive than those built up during their rountine face-to-face meeting and some crime on these teens are arising no matter in China or U.S.A. Some offcials are somewhat worried. Social network such as Myspace.com is accused by many. AP'sTeens at risk on social websites, officials worry may have some remindings:

Parents, school administrators and police are increasingly worried that teens are finding trouble online at sites like MySpace, the leader of the social-networking sites that encourage users to build larger and larger circles of friends.

Police in Middletown, Conn., are investigating recent reports that as many as seven local girls were sexually assaulted by men in their 20s who contacted them through MySpace pretending to be teenagers.

One girl allowed a man into her room while her parents were home, police said, underscoring just how in the dark parents often are about one of the most popular web activities for teens today.

There are other reports like these scattered around the country, prompting some parents and schools to equate the likes of MySpace with the Internet's red-light district, even as many experts believe that the worries are greater than the actual dangers.

Related readings:
Schools: MySpace may put kids at risk
Does your child fit in MySpace?
Internet postings could compromise kids' safety
Protect Your Kids: Dangers Of MySpace.Com
Authorities say many teens at risk on Web sites

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