Let's also have a look what other bloggers are saying.
Montreal imam stabbed in subway -- then gets...
By shaidle and kshaidle in relapsed catholic religion p... 13 hours ago
I don't speak French (I'm proud to say) so I'm relying on Xavier to give me the lowdown:The attacker called the imam puta (whore in Spanish) 2) ... , this is the only attack I've heard of in ALL of the country since the Mohammed cartoon controversy. I'll
More Cartoon Riots in Pakistan
By Kit Jarrell in euphoricreality.net
Much like in the recent weeks of the Paris Riots, I find myself reaching Muslim-insanity fatigue. Nothing really raises an eyebrow anymore ... : General, Heidi, *Mohammed Cartoon Riots ... Mohammed, as European leaders continued their efforts to defuse the crisis. In the eastern Pakistani
I Haven't Done This in Awhile
By Rachel Ann Anolick in Willow Tree
Skip arouond the blogsphere time! Mostly I have been having an oh so exciting time entering people's names into a data bank ... five places to visit and see: Merrimusings has an interesting take on the whole Mohammed cartoon blow
Photo of old Jew fetches hundreds of thousands...
By bernard golomb in planck's constant
"February 14, 2006 -- A Manhattan judge has dismissed an Orthodox Jewish man's lawsuit, ... and someone made a lot of money. In the Mohammed Cartoon case, lives were lost, millions in property damage
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Golden Balls...
By rodney trotter in Infidel Bloggers Alliance
Thanks to Von Schlictningen for sending this in: ROME (Reuters) - Italy's Reform Minister Roberto Calderoli has had T-shirts made emblazoned with cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a move that could embarrass Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government
Mohammed Cartoon : three more deads in Pakistan...
By julien maurice in Lasting News
Mohammed Cartoon : three more deads in
mohammed cartoon
By An P and Paul Scrivens in Escape Blog
“A taboo is a strong social prohibition (or ban) relating to any area of human activity or social custom declared as sacred and forbidden; ... Mohammed. An attack on religion and most of us know that that is venerable. Life isn’t simple
[Alvan / Blog] Internet-cartoons shoot with...
By Petri Leinonen in The Cow
Internet-cartoons shoot with quantity, a blog entry by Alvan The internet is all about one thing. Information distribution overkill ... their audience. In the simple form, the "cartoon" is nothing but a picture of Cheney admiring ... , I heard it on the TV news, but that was a "and this is just in ..." -report). Even if the cartoon
In Vae Victus
Just a handful of politicons for Republicans only. Cheney Y'know, ... photoshoppers. Mohammed Cartoon Christian Okay, I'm an evil Christian, I admit it. I have ... of unbridled glee at the cartoon protests. It's not true, of course, most of us find those protests
Drug distributors may sue over hospital debts
In Prague Tools and Toys New...
Pissing of Radical Islam one mirror at a...
So, everyone knows the whole Mohammed cartoon debacle, but apparently Google has taken this somewhat offensive yet darkly humourous video off their Google video service, as it was deemed “too
Carnival in Oldenzaal
The Carnival organisation "Grote Twentsche Carnavalsoptocht" of the Eastern Dutch town of
Don'tcha just LOVE capitalism?
In TPRS The official Progressive...
As suggested previously by Gates, MSN is now incentivizing users to use its search engine with an MSN Search and Win site. Barry Schwartz at SEW Blog has the scoop:
Mohammed mob burns motorcycles
By Gaijin Biker in Riding Sun
Italian Government Minister Distributing...
In Gorillamask Forums Powered b... 2 hours ago
Forum: In the News Posted By: Fire-Fly Post Time: 02-15-2006 at 03:42 AM
A Clash of Civilizations
By Every Man in Everyman Chronicles
I have not spent a lot of time tackling the international outrage in the Muslim community over the publication of the now famous Mohammed cartoons. This has been mainly due to the fact that just
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