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Thursday, March 2, 2006

Mississippi Advances Bill to Ban Abortion

South Dakota's abortion ban bill is set to bring the US Supreme Court to re-think its 1973 decision legalizing the procedure. Will South Dakota's move cause a population explosion to the USA? Now too early to say. But at least now Missisippi also wants to pass a similar bill.

Mississippi already has some of the strictest abortion laws in the nation. It requires a 24-hour waiting period and counseling for all abortions, plus the consent of both parents for minors who seek the procedure.

A Missouri lawmaker filed similar legislation to ban abortions, as well as a measure to amend the state's constitution.

"The time has come for these decisions to be made in these deliberative bodies, not by nine men and women who wear black robes," said Republican state Sen. Jason Crowell.

The Missouri Legislature has a solid anti-abortion majority and has enacted various restrictions to the procedure. (AP via Yahoo)

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