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Friday, March 24, 2006

Ben Domenech Rebut

Ben Domenech, an editor at a sister publishing company to HUMAN EVENTS, was accused of plagiarism by several politics-sensitive leftist's blogs and resigned from washingtonpost.com's Red American (see posts here and here) after he received excessive profanity shown in above snips from Red America Ends. Now Domenech stikes back! He writes:

Red America, my new blog at washingtonpost.com, has been under attack since its launch. It is a conservative blog on a mainstream media site, so many of the attacks were expected. If one bothers to read it, I believe it stands as a welcome addition to the opinion debate.

The hate mail that I have received since the launch of this blog has been overwhelmingly profane and violent. My family has been threatened; my friends have been deluged; my phone has been prank called. The most recent email that showed up while writing this post talked about how the author would like to hack off my head, and wishes my mother had aborted me.

But in the course of accusing me of racism, homophobia, bigotry, and even (on one extensive Atrios thread) of having a sexual relationship with my mother, the leftists shifted their accusations to ones of plagiarism. You can find the major examples here: I link to this source only because I believe it's the only place that hasn't yet written about how they'd like to rape my sister. .......


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