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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Are Google facing Peril?

Philip Jessen's view and suggestion on Google's ever continuous expansion:
Google’s biggest threat? It’s not Ballmer’s bluster. It’s not Semel’s visions of Hollywood grandeur. (Though you know he was digging Tomkat’s visit.) The biggest threat comes...from inside the Googleplex. If you start believing the hype...if you expand so much without paying attention to the things that got you there....you’re set up to fail. The Roman Empire tried expansion, and after awhile that didn’t work out.

Google, you should slow the pace and quit rolling out widgets (oops, that’s Yahoo, sorry) every other week, slapping a beta sticker on ’em to excuse the lack of functionality. The masses are now duped into thinking “they call everything a beta, so that’s OK.” No, it’s not. We put our trust in your TS, so we deserve a basic level of service. Everytime Gmail fails, everytime there’s a Bob who gets his many mails unanswered (has anyone ever got anything but a template response from tech support?), you lose a little more of your user base.
Goolge likes suggestion and feedback from its users. Will they take such suggestion seriously?

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