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Friday, March 31, 2006

Jill Carroll, a Betrayal?

Jill Caroll's release s a great relief for all of those concerned her.

Amongh those, For Your Consideration said:  "I was elated when the news broke about US Journalist, Jill Carroll, being released after being held hostage in Iraq."

 While Kristi thanked God "I think it's a God-given miracle Jill Carroll is back safely."

Ms. Carroll was kidnapped at gunpoint on Jan. 7 as she finished interviewing a prominent Sunni politician. Her kidnappers had threatened to kill her times. However, some excerpts from a NYT report seems not so positive on this kidnapped journalist:

In a videotape posted Thursday on the Internet, made before her release, Ms. Carroll denounced the American presence in Iraq and praised the insurgents fighting here. In the video, Ms. Carroll smiled, laughed once and gestured in a seemingly relaxed manner, saying she felt guilty about being released while so many Iraqis were still suffering.

Ms. Carroll, apparently knowing she would be released, denounced what she described as the "lies" told by the American government and predicted that the insurgents would defeat the Americans in Iraq. "I feel guilty. I also feel that it just shows that the mujahedeen are good people fighting an honorable fight, a good fight. While the Americans are here, the occupying forces, you know, treating the people in a very, very bad way. So I can't be happy totally for my freedom because there are people still suffering in prisons, in very difficult situations."

These kind words for her captors were a sharp contrast to her demeanor on the videotapes made shortly after her kidnapping, in which she appeared distraught, weeping and terrified. Ms. Carroll's seeming sympathy for her captors suggested either that she was pretending in hopes of gaining her release or that, after suffering weeks of extreme duress, she had fallen under the sway of her kidnappers.

Such reported caused some people wanna figure out what her price was!

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