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Thursday, March 16, 2006

i-Newswire punished by Google

i-Newswire, who published a press release (click here to see a screenshot) saying a 15-year-boy was hired by Google, was punished and removed as a source for the automated news service by Google News, according to numuerous sources (Inside Google, SEW, IW). The boy himself wanna to fool Google's News service and making such ripplings already appologized for Google. His post reads:

It all begun a few days ago.

I was looking around on http://digg.com, and came across an interesting submission showing how to fool google's news system. Me being the curious person I am, read the article and proceeded to try it. Anyone who knows me in real life knows that I am the biggest google fanboy ever. I mean hell, I even dressed up as Larry Page (Google him :) for halloween. Wanting to fool a few friends, I submitted an article using the method that was provided. I entered my email (tom.vendetta@gmail.com, go ahead spam it... ). I never got any email from the news website, so I figured it never went through. I used all fake information and forgot about it. It wasnt until around 10:35 pm that I received an instant message from MAKEBot ( a bot that sends the latest digg posts ) what did I see? "Google Hires 15 year old". At that moment, i felt my stomach knot up and my heart drop. I knew exactly what happened and knew that I would end up regretting posting that. I am now truley regretting it. My gmail account now has 130 unread email messages, as opposed to the 5 i normally get daily. My myspace has tons of friends requests, as opposed to the 3 i get monthly. This is all going out of control and I am regretting every bit of it.

To all the digg users, I am sorry for making you think this was true. I never intended for it to be submitted. I never intended for anyone besides my friends to find it.

To google, I am sorry for making a false claim and I can only hope that this will help resolve the bug, so that no one else does something like I did, because they will end up regretting it, as I am now.

I geuss all my dreams and hopes of getting a job at Google have officially been demolished.

I geuss everything else has been demolished. I just tryed signing onto my aim screename, and geuss what? I got so many messages it crashed aim.exe. GREAT!

To wrap things up:


Thank you for listening , and I truley do apologize.

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