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Saturday, March 4, 2006

Interesting American Politics

American people are probably more keen to the politics than any other countries. Days ago, there were huge outcries as to the comments of a high school's geography teacher, now they have another hot debate on Bruce Bartlett, a writter and published Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy (Click to purchase on Amazon). Is US polictics the people's politics? An interesting topic maybe. And fancy how democratic is USA, you can express whatever you want to say about President. So interesting!!! Here some bloggers blogged:

in To The People:

The latest Cato Policy Report in my mailbox has a fantastic excerpt from Bruce Bartlett's new book, Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy. (The excerpt was apparently put up on the Cato website in January, so this is a little outdated). I will definitely buy this book. And if I was a donor to the National Center for Policy Analysis, I would ask for my money back for firing Bartlett for writing this book. Cowards! (fullreport)

in Limbo

How quickly Americans have gone from dismissing the impeachment of George W. Bush as unreasonable and impossible, to openly discussing it as a means of curbing the astounding power grabs, brazen and continuing violations of the law (as demonstrated by the prez’s warrantless domestic spying program), and outright incompetence shown by his administration. This week’s revelation that Bush knew well in advance of his March 2003 invasion of Iraq that his public justifications for starting the war and toppling Saddam Hussein were false, and a videotape proving that he consciously misled the public when he stated, in the devastating wake of Hurricane Katrina, that “I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees,” have both added to voter displeasure with Bush (evidenced in recent polls) and led some Republicans to distance themselves further from their party’s scandalized standard bearer. So has the White House’s clumsy determination to turn over shipping operations at some U.S. ports to a company wholly-owned by the government of Dubai--a Middle Eastern emirate allegedly sympathetic to terrorists. (“Dubai cannot be trusted,” charged Representative Duncan Hunter [R-California] on Thursday, as he promised to kill the ports deal.)(fullreport)

Some other readings:
Is Bush Losing His Base? By Bruce Bartlett
Bronze Statue In Iraw

Or listening to Bruce Bartlett at here via War and Piece

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