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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Where to See Pandas?

The scientific name of Giant Panda is Ailuropoda melanoleuca, it means "cat-footed animals in black and white colour".

An adult panda can be as tall as 1.6 to 1.8 metre tall with body weight ranges from 60 to 160 kg. Male Giant Pandas are larger than females, they weigh about 10 to 20% heavier.

The head of the Giant Panda is large, with a broad round face, its nose is flat and it has round protruding ears. Surrounding the eyes are the characteristic black patches. The ears, limbs and shoulders are covered with black fur while the fur on the other parts of the body is white. The body is round with short and sturdy limbs.

Scientists believe that the black and white coloration helps Giant Pandas avoid contact with each other. However, at the same time, this distinctive coloration can help them find each other easily during mating seasons.The fur of the Giant Panda is actually rough, it is short and very dense. The oily nature of the fur can prevent penetration of moisture, which is an important adaptation to living in humid environment.

Giant Pandas' ability to see far is weak. However, their auditory and olfactory senses are very strong. The sharp sense of smell is essential for foraging for bamboo, their staple diet.

Text Source: hkpanda.org 2006-01-06 14:08:23

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