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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Stunborn Virus

Bird flu experts meeting in Beijing warned on Tuesday that there was no time to lose in battling a disease that has killed almost 80 people since 2003 and has now arrived at the gates of Europe and the Middle East.

The World Bank hopes the meeting will raise at least $1.2 billion to help improve health and veterinary services in developing countries grappling with outbreaks, and to strengthen surveillance in areas not yet affected by the H5N1 flu virus. (Source: here)

(Wang Xiaolong, left, Deputy Director General of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, sits with other officials while attending the opening ceremony of the International Pledging Conference on Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza, in Beijing. Others in the picture, left to right: Herve Jouanjean, Directorate for External Relations of the EC; Qiao Zonghuai, Vice Minister of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs; James Adams, World Bank Vice President. Photo: AFP)

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