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Monday, January 16, 2006

Make Easy Money with Google is so Easy to Make Money?

Make Easy Money with Google(MEMWG) is a book written byEric Giguere, a Web developer and technical writer who has monetized his own Web site and is developing various Web properties. I don't how magic this book is, though many customers' reviews on Amazon.com are all so elicited and recommended, maybe some day I have to let my sister-in-law now studying in Harvard help get one, will my choice get right? A blog here has depicted the lastest Google Adsense reports improvements. So now you can even tracking your revenue better!

Here are three selected reviews on MEMWG

Ck Chen "CK" (Singapore) -
I am very thankful for the informations laid out by Eric Giguere in his "Make easy money with google".
I figure out a lot of knowledge that I didn't know before this by reading the book.
I highly recommend you to own this book to be a successful Adsense publisher.

Brent Jones
Eric Giguere has done an outstanding job writing a book on how to make money with google adsense. being a user of Google adsense himself he is able to give good first hand experience of how it works.
Eric walks you through eahc step of the process from creating a site, getting registered, to setting up the adsense account. Dozens of illustrations in the book make everything easy to understand. His book contains colorful computer pictures from Google's website so that each setup step is covered. I highly recommend this book for everyone!

S. Kelly (Hong Kong) -
How do I put Google ads in my Website or Blog ? Will I actually get paid ? Will it cover the cost of the book ? Is this easy to do ?

The book will show you how to Apply for and Place Google ads in your Websites or Blogs and answer many questions that someone new to making websites or Blogs will have.

Yes, you will make back your investment in "Make Easy Money with Google"" and Much more if you simple apply the infomation to your websites or Blogs.

Yes it is Easy to do. Well worth Ten Times the price and very easy to understand and apply to your Website or Blog.

P.S. The Author Actually will E-mail you back with Answer's to your Questions !

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