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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Neutral Porn Star Makeup Tutorial

Neutral Porn Star Makeup Tutorial

Blog: http://hollybby18makeup.blogspot.com/
Follow Me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/HollyNicole93
Buy Avon Now: http://glenbagley.avonrepresentative...

Products used:
Elf Tone Correcting Concealer (Light Beige)
Coastal Scents 88 Palette
Elf Liquid Liner (Black)
NYC Pencil Liner (Black)
Maybelline The Falsies Volume Express (Very Black)
Da Vinci Lashes #47

I do not watch porn, nor do I participate in porn in any way shape or form. I just really love the way they do their makeup. I hope you like the look and will try it out.

This was my Inspiration for this look.

I really loved this look except for the lips but if you like that do what you do but I felt this was a very sexy look that could be worn during the day and at night. I will probably do a darker look similar to this for a clubbing look. Well here are some pictures of the look.

Well I hope you like this look and will try it out.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween: Goddess Makeup Tutorial

Halloween: Goddess Makeup Tutorial

Products Used:
White Grease Paint
Elf Single Shadow (Golden Glow)
Chanel Palette 74 Nymphea
Coastal Scents 88 Palette http://s440.photobucket.com/albums/qq...
Covergirl Eye Enhancer Shadow (Snow Blossom)
ELF concealer ( Light Beige)
LA Colors Lip Stick (Pink a Boo)

Inspired by: The Dress

I absolutely loved how these colors went together and this inspired me to do my makeup look. These colors were perfect because I didn't want to do the typical gold. Although I do have gold in my look the blue is the main focal point. But this unfortunately is my last Halloween Tutorial for this year. i did ant to do a vampire look but everyone had one and I have to gothic, vampy looks on my channel already so I figured those could be used. I hope you enjoyed my video and try it out, plus who could resist a Goddess ;)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Makeup Tutorial.wmv

Sorry there is no music I'm trying to avoid using copyright music because I am trying to get a partnership with youtube.

Products Used:
White Grease Paint
Chanel 74 Nymphea (White)
Coastal Scents 88 Palette 
N.Y.C. Liquid Liner (Black)
White Eye Liner
Mabelline The Falsies (Black)
LA Colors Lipstick ( Pink-a-Boo )

I know this look is kinda later in the month and Breast Cancer Awareness was the whole month of October. But I felt I should still do it anyways. So i hope you guys like it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Halloween: Dark Fairy Makeup Tutorial

Halloween: Dark Fairy Makeup Tutorial

Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/HollyNicole93
Buy Avon Now: http://glenbagley.avonrepresentative....

Songs Used:
Powerman 5000 - When Worlds Collide
Atreyu - The Crimson
Killswitch Engage - My Last Serenade
Underoath - A Boy Brush Red... Living In

Products Used:
Black Grease Paint
Coastal Scents 88 Palette 
Chanel 74 Nymphea Palette
N.Y.C Liquid Liner (Black)
ELF Liquid Liner (Black)
Black Halloween Lip Stick
N.Y.C. Lipstick (405 Blue Rose)

I Love the Gothic look and I wanted to do another Dark Look so I figured a Fairy was the Perfect way to do it. I was going to do a video that was similar to this last year but I never posted it because the video would have been too long so this year I wanted to do swirlys and black and purple. I think purple is the perfect color for fairy but you could do any color you want with this look its very versatile. I hope you try it out for your Halloween Look!!! 
Happy Halloween :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Halloween Black Widow Tutorial

Halloween: Black Widow Tutorial

Music Used:
Anxiety - Spoonfed
Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal
Bullet For My Valentine - Tears Don't Fall

Products Used:
Rimmel London Kohl Pencil (White)
Elf Eye Liner and Shadow Stick (Glow)
Coastal Scents 88 Palette 
Chanel 74 Nymphea palette
N.Y.C. Liquid Liner (Black)
ELF Liquid Liner (Black)
Black Lipstick
Color Impact (Red)

Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/HollyNicole93
Buy Avon Now: 

I really thought this would be a very dramatic look that would definitely turn heads on Halloween. Its coming a lot closer and I wanted to put as many looks up as possible. So this is the fourth Halloween tutorial and there will be more i have been trying to get them up like once a week. Anyways I love this look I think its really bold and like I said in the video Im sorry for chewing gum its bad manners. But i hope you like the tutorial and will try it out for Halloween.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Covering Brows Tutorial

Covering Brows Tutorial

Songs Used:
Lady Gaga - Starstruck
Ke$ha - Tik Tok

Products Used:
Elmers Washable Glue Stick
Elf Pressed Powder (Light Beige)
N.Y.C. Transluscent Powder
Matte Black Shadow
N.Y.C Black Pencil Liner

Ok fist things first I'm sorry i was chewing gum like a cow in this video. Its bad Video Etiquette!!! Once I realized I was doing it, it was too late. So I'm Sorry in Advance. I wanted to do this tutorial because I know not everyone can afford brow wax and I'm one of those people. So I have seen this on Petrilude's Channel and I wanted to do it on my channel to show some of the people that watch me and may not know who he is. Anyways im not saying this is 100% my idea because I would have never thought of this so Cudos to the person that did.

Plus I needed to do this for the Tutorial that will be coming up next which is my Halloween: Black Widow Tutorial which is a little more on the Goth side.

And another thing I want to apologize about is the subtitles. I know i started using voice over but the thing is it use it on my laptop and then transfer it to my desktop but my laptop is being uncooperative right now and doesn't want to work. So subtitles was my only option.

Another thing was I noticed my last two videos have been blocked from some countries. Why? 

  • Entity: Sony Music Entertainment Content Type: Sound Recording
  • Entity: UMG Content Type: Sound Recording

But I wasn't even using sound recordings so this is pretty lame but I don't have to worry to much its only blocked from Germany and its accessible to everyone else.

Halloween: Bruised and Bloody Makeup Tutorial

Halloween: Bruised & Bloody Makeup Tutorial

Products used:
red, purple, green, brown, black (Coastal Scents 88 Palette)
Color Impact Lip Gloss and Lip Stain

I wanted to do this look because when i think Halloween I think Scary movies and people running for there lives. So i figured i would show my bruise technique with you guys, since I used this last Halloween. For the cuts i wanted to show a way to make cuts without having to use liquid latex which could be difficult to use for beginners.

Halloween: She Devil Makeup Tutorial

Halloween: She Devil Makeup Tutorial

Elf Liquid Liner(Black)
Elf Eyeshadow Stick (Glow)
Coastal Scents 88 Palette 
Rimmel London Kohl Pencil (White)
Chanel Palette (94 Nymphea)
NYC Liquid Liner (Black)
NYC Pencil Liner (Black)
Maybelline Volume Express Turbo Boost (Black)

I saw a couple people have a She Devil look on Youtube and I wanted to put my own spin on the look.I wanted it to be sexy and scary if you manipulate it the right way. Which i felt this look could be used both ways.

Halloween: Corpse Makeup Tutorial

Halloween: Corpse Makeup Tutorial

Products used:
Rimmel London White Eye Kohl
Elf Eyeliner & Eyeshaow Stick (Glow)
Coastal Scents 88 Pallet 
Chanel Pallet: 74 Nymphea
NYC Pencil Liner (Black)
NYC Liquid Liner (Black)
Maybelline Volume Express Mascara Turbo Boost
Lip Gloss

I consider this my first Halloween tutorial on Youtube because my other ones weren't as detailed. But i know a lot of people want to be something dead for Halloween which this is a good way to achieve this look. Although I used a more expensive palette this look is achievable with any products that have the same colors and finishes.

Monday, January 11, 2010


hmmm . . .natal mang udah lewat, tapi apa yang dirasa karena natal itu masih terus menggembirakan sepanjang satu tahun ke depan sampai bertemu natal kembali.
Anyway. . .
buat seluruh temen-temen katolik FMIPA UGM (KMKath) dan FTE UGM ada perayaan natal bersama nih.
Pada dateng ya. . !!!
ajakkin semua temen yang belum tahu akan adanya perayaan ini.
Dijamin seru, rame, lucu, asik, g boring, and tentunya tambah temen donk. mungkin dapet gebetan or pacar juga. . hehehe sapa tahu kan. .Lagipula jarang-jarang kita bisa kumpul bareng dalam satu kesempatan.
So dont miss it!!!
and dont miss me if you're not coming. . .



Saturday, January 9, 2010

Misi pelepasan burung

kemarin tanggal 9 januari 2010 13.00 - an WIB
anak-anak elins 2007 memang sedang dalam masa-masa perjuangan titik darah penghabisan yaitu berjuang menyikat ujian akhir semester mpe habis. .
setelah menyikat habis ujian kewirausahaan, aku berniat untuk belajar PSD dan PSK bersama teman-teman (Uut, Windul, Dian, Yudis, Jihad).
Cerita dimulai . . .

Aku, uut, dian, yudis, dan jihad belajar di milan a.k.a mipa selatan. Nah sahabat kami windul ada di MU a.k.a Manchester United.
ya bukanlah!! jauh amat!
MU = Mipa Utara
anyway, berhubung utara dan selatan sangat berlawanan makanya windul meminta Jihad untuk menjemputnya dan mengantar dia ke milan. Jihad menyanggupi.

5 menit . . . 10 menit . . .30 menit, jihad ga nongol-nongol.
So kita sms Windul, ternyata windul dkk sedang dalam misi "PENYELAMATAN BURUNG"
berhubung kita bingung dan tertarik masuk sebuah misi, daripada belajar ga bisa-bisa, kami yang ada di milan menyusul ke MU.
Di depan hutan biologi tersangkutlah seekor burung yang masih hidup di antara 2 pohon.

Ketika kami sampai di sana, ternyata anak elins dah pada berkumpul.

ternyata ada salah satu teman kami yang mencoba memotong benang yang bikin tuh burung nyangkut dengan melempar batu dari atas pohon. Sebut saja namanya Chip. Melihat perjuangan Chip, sang pacar (Windul) sangat khawatir, karena Chip memanjat pohon sangat tinggi. Windul memandang Chip dengan sangat cemas.

Setelah batu yang dibawa Chip habis, dan tidak ada stok batu di atas pohon (adanya daun-daun ajah) maka dia memutuskan turun, lelah katanya. Berhubung lelah, dia ga bisa turun dari pohon, banyak pertolongan yang dilakukan. Bima mencoba memanjat untuk menggapai Chip, . .tapi Linx yang menjadi tumpuan, ga kuat, damar yang badannya gedhe, ga mau jadi tumpuan, akhirnya merosot deh si Bima. . .Misi berubah seketika menjadi "PENYELAMATAN CHIP"

Akhirnya Chip berhasil turun berkat bantuan tangga. Hmmm ga dari tadi ambil tangga. .
Misi kedua (penyelamatan Chip berhasil dilakukan)
tapi sayang penyelamatan burungnya belum bisa kami lakukan.

Sekarang, burung itu gimana ya???

Friday, January 8, 2010


gambar di atas adalah gambar stereogram. Stereogram ini merupakan gambar 3D dimana didapat dari gambar 2 dimensi. Bikinnya aku sih ga terlalu tau gimana. Cuman aku untungnya bisa menikmati gambar itu. Memang ga semua orang bisa melihat gambar 3D ini. Jadi kalau temen-temen mau coba membuktikan apakah temen-temen bisa lihat atau tidak . .
SO dicoba aja yah liat gambar lucu ini.

atau bisa liat info lebih lengkapnya di

jawaban temen-temen bisa di bagian comment halaman ini. thanks

Thursday, January 7, 2010


wuaduh. . 2 minggu ini aku disibukkan dengan adanya ujian akhir semester. hmmm gimana ya memang event satu itu bikin aku mumet. Melaluinya benar-benar menghabiskan tenaga dan pikiran yang amat sangat payah. aduh ujian elanku kemaren gimana ya??
ngomong-ngomong tentang KKN ki piye?
rumit ki. . .
atau lebih tepatnya diperumit.
katanya ga ada kkn tematik lagi, tapi kkn reguler. . aduh mau dibawa kemanakah aku nanti?
aku berharap keputusan itu ga jadi turun.
aku ingin berbakti pada masyarakat bersama teman-teman seperjuanganku ini.
pergi ke tempat yang memang membutuhkan kami

Monday, January 4, 2010

me-refresh baterai laptop

ngrefresh baterai laptop? piye kuwi?? kok bisa?
ketika tadi pagi sarapan ma mas sigit dan mas aant tiba-tiba mas sigit bilang kalau dia mau merefresh baterai laptop-nya. aku baru tahu kalau baterai laptop bisa direfresh...
mungkin banyak temen-temen yang sudah mengetahui caranya, tetapi saya sendiri yang baru dapet ilmunya mau berbagi caranya nih.

1. ketika baterai laptop sudah hampir habis dan pada laptopmu muncul indikator alert bahwa bateraimu tinggal berapa persen maka close semua window, semua lembar kerja ditutup, laptop pada posisi standby kemudian ditutup.
2. biarkan laptop dalam keadaan standby seperti itu.
3. ketika akhirnya laptop bener-bener mati karena baterainya habis, diamkan selama 5 jam
4. setelah lima jam, kemudian charge baterai sampai full.
5. lakukan paling tidak sekali dalam seminggu.

Nah langkah tersebut dah dilakukan sama mas sigit (orang yang telah memberitahukanku tips ini) katanya it's really works. malah dia sempet baca (di mana gitu) bahwa ada orang yang laptopnya baru di-shutdown sebanyak 2 kali dalam setahun dia pakai.hohohoho. . .

hmmm bagi temen-temen yang belum tahu, ini aku sedikit berbagi tips (jika berkenan, silahkan dicoba) .
bagi temen-temen yang sudah tahu, bisa menambahkan atau mengurangi beberapa tips di atas ini ya. tinggalkan comment di halaman ini.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

sherlock holmes

this is the first movie i saw at the first day in the first month of this new year..
yup tanggal 1 januari 2010 aku nonton film ini bersama adikku,oyen di xxi empire. aku tahu sherlock holmes karena komik jepang conan yang laris beredar di pasaran indonesia. sang penulis komik itu (aoyama gosho) terinspirasi oleh kisah-kisah dalam novel Sir Arthur Conan Doyle itu.
Dalam film ini, sherlock bersama rekannya watson mendapatkan tawaran penyelidikan mengenai seorang ahli ilmu hitam bernama Lord Blackwood yang udah menggemparkan Inggris dengan kekuatan hitamnya. Konflik dimulai ketika Blackwood dihukum gantung namun bangkit kembali...
Karena Sherlock seorang pemikir yang sangat logis..dia tidak percaya sama sekali akan ilmu hitam dan magic.So dia menyelidiki dan akhirnya membongkar semua misteri dengan analisis ilmiahnya.
Wow ga kepikiran bahwa dia bisa berfikir sejauh itu dengan otaknya.
Pemainnya :
Sherlock : Robert Downey Jr
Watson : Jude Law
Lord Blackwood : Mark Strong
Irene Adler : Rachel McAdams

You should see this movie. jangan dipikir just watch and see