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Sunday, April 16, 2006

E-Ten G500 GPS Smartphone

This E-Ten G500 smartphone/pocket PC phone is Running on Windows Mobile 5.0, this quad-band GSM phone comes with a 65k color TFT touchscreen display, Bluetooth connectivity, 128 MB flash ROM, 64MB SD RAM, and is powered by a S3C2400 400MHz Samsung processor. Of course, most notable of its feature list is the SiRFStarIII GPS receiver.

It is lack of wi-fi, which may lose some attraction for potential customers. Link


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Wi-Fi Forecast Predicting Umbrella

It is deemed as a model for appropriate embedded technology. Then what's the principal of this high-tech umbrella works? Ok, it uses Wi-Fi technology to retrieve forecast predictions (from the internet). The handle will glow with intensity depending on the likelihood of rain occurring. The glowing handle provides a “clear and unobtrusive signal to the user,” because looking out the window was a little too obtrusive for some people.

Link to Gizmodo


One Laptop Per Child Project

On Laptop.org interprets

One Laptop per Child (OLPC) is a new, non-profit association dedicated to research to develop a $100 laptop—a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world's children. This initiative was first announced by Nicholas Negroponte at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland in January 2005.

Our goal: to provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment, and express themselves.

Please note that the $100 laptops—not yet in production—will not be available for sale. The laptops will only be distributed to schools directly through large government initiatives.

May OLPC comes true as early as it can! It's a smart choice to nuture the Children who are shouldering the responsibility to build the world future.

(picture source: WindowsForDevices.com)

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Ferrari Kid's Learning Laptop

Ferrari branded learning Laptop for kids was offered by a U.S. company named Oregon Scientific at a very attractive price of $59.99. .

I4U's brief introduction reads This racing red Learning laptop is for children 5 and older. The kids play and learn essential 1st and 2nd grade skills while practicing fundamental keyboard skills. 60 Activities and games include 50 games in English and 10 games in Spanish. Subjects include: Math, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar, Memory, Logic, Music and Games.

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Google 谷歌 Puzzle

It seems Blogospheres are not satisfactory's Google's recent official Chinese name 谷歌 (annoucement, flash promo), below are some selected comments (if you are not chinese-savvy, just use the Google translater). They are so so so negative, so sarcarstic! Some words are even very dirty.

google的中文名,用普通话读没有问题,用粤语读,非常拗口难听。 N年前一家公司,同事为一个牌子起名字的时候,想了一个方案出来,意思、国语、粤语都没问题,后来有上海同... 两年后在上海街头见到一个饮料牌子的车身广告--“维体”,粤语发音=“遗体” 佳美,车是好车,突然改叫“凯美瑞”,粤语发音也是很一般 现在是谷歌 这些名字肯定不是讲粤语的人想出来的。虽然粤语不见得特别重要,但名字那么重要,真的不需要各个主要方言的... 反正饮品要是叫“遗体”,我是不买的. ---Raymond

搞笑,好好地google不做,非要弄个中文名叫谷歌,这音译的也太滥了吧? 百度要笑死了,狗狗这个名字说不定中国人都知道,换成谷歌的话,李开复又要花大力气去宣传去了。 图像“http://www.google.com/intl/zh-CN_ALL/images/logo ... .gif” 因其本身有错无法显示。 ---------------谷歌 大家想吐就去吐吧,吐阿吐阿就习惯了~~---Zhou Jian

吃灯泡是一件非常有难度的事情。当哦看到电视里表演吃灯泡这样的节目时,觉得真是不可思议极了。那尖利的玻... ... 。 google改名字为谷歌,遭遇博客四处阻击,谷歌沦为过街老鼠一般。这一定是google没有想到的。 “Google改名谷歌,中国的狗狗改成鸟叫了! “起名谷歌露了馅 Google“谷歌”引发的王怀南血案 “顶!Google谷歌:我知道你不知道我知道你.... “谷歌反正读起来不舒服,中国人完全可以对它说不 “说到文化,google哭了,俺们中文名叫谷歌---Guxq™ BLOG

貌似Google然而其实不同的Baidu “谷歌”写给中国政府的保证书邹磊: 国内校园SNS又有两家加入竞争,硝烟弥漫 blog中文翻译 : 当仅仅‘delete’已经变得不够了 不如重新启用科举好了人民不是个东西,“民意”也不是个东西-赵牧博客 沃尔玛进军银行业申请面临强大反对浪潮 麦当劳快速应对批评书籍和电影 中美是否会为石油开战?---Trace Of Pullulation

得知google的官方中文名终于公布了,叫做 谷歌,请大家默哀三分钟... 当下的第一反应是 古狗 被人抢注了,所以沦落到用这个名字.然而我觉得即使用股沟也好过谷歌吧.起码以后听到有人问不肖回答到问题,可以说:这个用屁股沟想也知道吧...意即叫他或她去查google... 其实一直也没觉得google需要一个中文到名称.同样的情况还有crossover,今天不断有人问我c...低調地浮誇

对此我只有三个字:不好听。不过即使这样,以后我也还得高唱“谷歌”。唱着唱着就习惯了。Eric完全赞同Google起一个中文名,并希望以后全世界都流行起中文名,就像... 为什么现在很多人喜欢用英文名或英文ID,难道是因为它文化的强势?或许因为它的简单吧。“谷歌”没什么好说的,人家来中国就要有中文名嘛,就是觉得“歌”字稍稍有点复杂了。 顺便说一下,这次对keso比较失望。 两天前他的《名正言顺》似乎还不失评论家的风范,然而这篇《百度同学》,却有点儿“以子之矛,攻子之盾”的... 前一段日子Eric常去关注韩少侠英勇的“以一敌十”,现在,百度与谷歌的口水大战又可以给大家带去消遣啦.-- New Start

著名搜索引擎GOOGLE最近发布了它的官方中文名——谷歌,实在让人不得要领,简直是匪夷所思。 有人说,这名字乍一听还以为是“李谷一在唱歌”,而在boingboing今天的扉页上被译为“song of the grain”——与搜索引擎的意思、作用都差太远了,要想联系到一起,恐怕要拐很多弯。 记得曾经有人提过,google在国外读作“勾勾”,而从这个中文名来看,“oo”恐怕还是应该读成长音.---来时陌上初熏


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Friday, April 14, 2006

Tom Cruise, Scientology

Tom Cruise lets Scientology is becoming more well-known than ever. Today it was reported that he said his Catholic-born fiancee, actress Katie Holmes, has joined him as a follower of the Church of Scientology. That's why I am going to do a search about it and find the corresponding wikipedia's article shown below. And it seems there are some negative counts about this scientology!
Scientology is a new religious movement based on a system of beliefs, teachings, practices, and rituals that was originated as a philosophy in 1952 by science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard. It is characterized by the Church of Scientology in 1953 as an "applied religious philosophy". Hubbard defined Scientology as "knowing how to know" , although he first introduced it with the words, "Scientology would be a study of knowledge."

The Church of Scientology has attracted much controversy, criticism, and distrust. Scientology's principles have been characterized as pseudoscientific by scientists and by medical and psychotherapeutic practitioners. Critics — including government bodies of several countries — have characterized the Church as an unscrupulous commercial organization, citing harassment of critics and exploitation of its members. Because of these factors, the Church has frequently been called a cult.

The term Scientology is a trademark of the Religious Technology Center, which licenses its use and use of the copyrighted works of Hubbard to the Church of Scientology. The Church presents itself as a religious non-profit organization dedicated to the rehabilitation of the human spirit and providing counseling and rehabilitation programs. Church spokespeople claim that Hubbard's teachings (called "technology" or "tech" in Scientology terminology) have saved them from addictions, arthritis, depression, learning disabilities, mental illness, cancer and other problems.
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Most modern management--employees first, customer second

This unusual management is seen in David Kirkpatrick, Fortune senior editor's article-The world's most modern management - in India while taking Vineet Nayar, president of India's 30,000-employee HCL Technologies as the example. He wants to be the company that gives superior service to my employees compared to everybody else. Those un-heard of rules in HCL are:
Every employee rates their boss, their boss' boss, and any three other company managers they choose, on 18 questions using a 1-5 scale. Such 360-degree evaluations are not uncommon, but at HCL all results are posted online for every employee to see.

Every HCL employee can at any time create an electronic "ticket" to flag anything they think requires action in the company. Such tickets can only be "closed" by the employees themselves. And managers should not intimidate employees about creating or closing tickets, but are evaluated partly based on how many tickets their departments are creating - the more the better.

Eevery employee can post a question or comment on any subject in a public process called "U and I."About 400 come in each month, and questions and answers are all posted on the intranet.

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wonderful, funny, hilarious, interesting, vigilant videos

Where Jackson's Money Gone?

Pop-star Michael Jackson was reported to have resturctured his bankruptcy finances. Anyone must be curious to how this once richest musician spent his money:
· Jackson bought Neverland ranch for $26m in 1988. Staff budget was $2m a year; the zoo, movie theatre, fairground and miniature train cost $3m a year

· In infamous 2003 Martin Bashir documentary, Jackson visited Las Vegas and spent $6m on shopping

· Last year shopped at Harrods, spending £85,000 on two watches

· Thought to have spent $25.5m in out-of-court settlements, with families accusing him of child abuse


Guge Flash

谷歌 Calligraphy was screenshot from the Google Flash provided by Google China Blog.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Google Starting to Control Time

Google Calendar Goes Live after just introduced an official Chinese name 谷歌 in China, there are abundant reports elsewhere online on this new service from Google. About Google Calendar advertising-free properties, Yuki Noguchi of Washtington Post analysed "the goal for the Mountain View, Calif.-based company is to create more user dependency on its products which, in turn, creates opportunities for selling online ads."

Charlene Li, an analyst with Forrester Research was cited as saying "The more time people spend on Google, the more of their lives they put on Google, the more opportunities Google has to monetize that in the future," "With Google Maps, they were starting to control space, and here they are starting to control time."

So everyone knows well on Google's Motives.

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Make Money, Surf Junky

A mail from an unknown friend says:
Hi Friend
Visit and sign up this web site to earn extra money. Just sign up and run the page when you on-line. http://www.surfjunky.com/?r=*******
Just because of scaring of malicious website, I made a search in Google using URL of www.surfjunky.com as keyword and my Google firefox tool discern this website safe, I then went surfing this money-making site. On the homepage, such four claims attracted me:

Earn Up To $.75 Per Hour!
Get Paid For 3 Levels Of Referrals!
Earn Money Joining FREE Websites!
Payments Sent On The 15th Of Every Month!
So I did registrations by filled some info routinely required also by many other online service websites and got a account (with a referal link). Can I make money now! Suppose to be, is it? Ok, when clicking earn money button, the new opened windows read:

Sorry, we cannot allow the use of this browser type.
The use of Firefox and CrazyBrowser no longer allowed.

To protect our members and our program we have disabled the use of the Firefox and CrazyBrowser from the Surf Junky browser. This is due to the amount of cheating which originates from these browser types.

We recommend using the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera or Safari with Surf Junky which will enable you to earn the highest amount with our program with the least amount of browsing problems.

We thank you for your understanding. Please feel free to contact us with your comments, questions, or concerns.
This means I almost finished my money-making journey because using Windows Explorer is not any more convenient for me. I rely on Firefox to do my net surfing!

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Special Love Expression

Obviously this is a wedding ceremony testimonied by the scaleble residents and held on 12 April in Changzhou, a neigboring city of my hometown Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China. It reminds of a terrible story that Bride Zhao Xiaoxiao then in pregnancy was hit by an automobile just one day before her planned wedding in last November and since then in the comatose condition. On 21 February, she delivered a boy baby. Bridegroom Cao Wei's courageness and decision to marry Bride Zhao Xiaoxiao must have been appreciated by all those well-wishers! May this kind of special love expression eventually awaken his beloved!


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Boot Camp Booted Macs Warranted Also

Apple have been rushing to deny comments from the outfit's own staff that punters installing Boot Camp into their Macinteltoshs will be voiding their warranty.

The confusion apparently comes from the somewhat vague notes which warn users that if the unsupported beta software proves defective then repairing those defects is the user's own responsibility (which actually only applies to the software and not the hardware).


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Milestone Healthcare Law in Massachusetts

A very nice law that many other parts of the world can't keep up immediately and thus jealous by the people, at least myself.

Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) signed a bill Wednesday requiring all Massachusetts residents to purchase health insurance and made Massachusetts the first state to treat health insurance like car insurance, mandating that everyone must have it and fining those who do not.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006


谷歌 (pronounced as Guge) is Google's official Chinese name in the mainland China, CEO Eric Schmidt announced at a conference in Beijing. The new name demonstrated Google's commitment to China and sets to allure more China internet users, though it already someone doesn't like it too much.

via Blogoscoped


Video: Answering The 9/11 Call: Ground Zero's Volunteers

A 9/11 documentary with merits, tells of many untold stories of life and death at Ground Zero.

Salute to Heroes Behind 911 Rescue!!

Tree-shape picture cluster

A creative daddy created a tree-shape picture cluster for her baby blogger Kaiwen by resizing digital photos and then using appropriate html code to position these pics.

via 娃娃凯雯看天下

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Berlusconi Lost

Berluscon ProdiAs expected, Berlusconi lost his incumbent Prime Ministership! It is a clear indication that his sex abstinence vow and stupid words (Coglioni, Baby Fertilizers in China) didn't gave him eventual beneficiaries but just let him stepping down! Bizarre, Berlusconi refuses to concede!
Congratulations, Mr. Prodi!


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Xact X-Link M4x FRS Radio

What's special about these two Xact X-Link M4x FRS ? The unique website Woot.com which was just picked by Inside Adsense as a case study example sold them online only on 12/April, with saying:

Sure, using these radios makes us feel like we’re cheating on Catherine Zeta-Jones, Joan Cusack, and the other quickly fading celebrities who’ve rented their reputations out to the cellular industry. But if she really knew how useful a pair of Xact X-Linx M4X FRS Radios can be, even CZJ herself would understand.

Simply Google

There is a site called Simply Google! It almost sums up all Google products in one webpage, so you can easily image your sense when visiting it......via Blogoscoped


Doodle 4 Google - My Britain competition

Pupils aging 4-18 years in all schools across the UK have the opportunity to win a trip of 7 nights for a maximum of four people (at least one adult) to California Mountain View-base Googleplex by participating Doodle 4 Google - My Britain competition, while all travel expenses and one night's accommodation for the finalist and a parent or guardian will be covered.

The competition requires young people across the UK to design a doodle that represents what it means to be British today. The winning doodle, which will be displayed on the Google UK homepage for a day, will be seen by around 18 million people.

Sure, UK parents won't miss this precious chance to exhibit talents of your kids to Google!

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Greenlight Network

This image shows a shameful carpet of plastic bottles choking the mangrove in Felicity, Chaguanas. Come on, humans! You know what bins are ... or do you?
--Greenlight Network

The environment-protection volunteer organisition was founded in January 2006 with its purpose to identify environmental problems, develop creative solutions and initiate action to ensure that human responsibility towards Nature is fulfilled. To better our life, start from protecting our Environment! Greenlight, Goes Well!

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Sunday, April 9, 2006

Google Acquired Advanced Text Search Algorithm

Google acquired an advanced text search algorithm invented by Ori Alon, who is an Israel Ph. D student of computer science studying in University of New South Wales in Australia.

Google, Alon and the university all refused to comment, though Google confirmed that "Ori Alon works at Google's Mountain View, California offices."

Link to Haaretz Article

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Saturday, April 8, 2006

Adsenser's Daily-$1700-owning tips

This adsenser (Google Adsense Ads Publisher) named Ivan from Dublin, Irend was reached by Google and offered the three top optimization tips owning his big $! He suggested:

1. Use wide ad formats . Many publishers find the 728x90 Leaderboard outperforms the 468x60 banner by about 70%. I particularly recommend using the 728x90 Leaderboard, 160x600 Wide Skyscraper, and 300x250 Medium Rectangle.

Embed Google ads in your content, and place Google ads at the end of your articles, news stories and reviews. Placing a 468x60 Banner in the typical slot at the top of page, or a 120x600 Skyscraper along the right-hand side of page, work well for cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) ads. However, for cost-per-click (CPC) contextual advertising , AdSense tends to work best when integrated with your content.

Blend your ad colours into your website. After running a test with a bright pink 728x90 Leaderboard on a black background, I learned that complementary colours often work better. Try blending the background and borders of your ads into your site, and use a text colour that stands out but already exists on your site. Blending decreases ad blindness and users are more likely to notice ads that interest them.

I wanna to see his website, but seems nowhere to find. If anyone knows, don't hesitate to throw an email to me, thanks!

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'Da Vinci Code' Judged No Copyright Infringement

Happy to know! Da Vinci Code really did a good job! Its film version starring by Tom Hanks is surely eager to be viewed. Now the plaintiffs of Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh need to pay a near 2 millions litigation fee!
It would be quite wrong if fictional writers were to have their writings pored over in the way DVC (`Da Vinci Code') has been pored over in this case by authors of pretend historical books to make an allegation of infringement of copyright," Judge Peter Smith said in his 71-page ruling.

Copyright doesn't protect ideas and copyright doesn't protect facts. That's why we have genres, fiction and nonfiction, and a number of people can write novels based on the same idea and still have freedom of expression."

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Friday, April 7, 2006

Harry Potter Funny Video

Found this funny video named Harry Potter from Google Video

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Mariah Carey

AP Photo. The Grammy-winning Mariah Carey is developing her own line of fragrance. Source

See More on www.mariahcarey.com

Use Google Earth to Spot Eva Longoria

So creative work, but is it necessary to do such huge replica? It's nothing but advertisments for both of Maxim and Eva Longoria. You see, now I finally got to know who is Eva Longoria.
In honor of Maxim's 100th issue, which is on newsstands this week, the men's magazine has created a 75-by-110-foot vinyl mesh replica of its January 2005 cover image of Eva Longoria in the desert outside Las Vegas. Nine workers took more than 15 hours to build the cover, which is so big that satellites are able to photograph the image from space.
The stunt was made possible by the city of Las Vegas and Google Earth, which will display the image today on www.maximonline.com/maximusa.

Link Via Hecklersprary

$8.50 DN-2000 MP3 player

Thomas Ricker of Engadget writes:
Japanese Co. Evergreen is no stranger to the cheap and crap-plasticy product. Now they combine their love of the two and apparent hatred for human-kind in this $8.50 DN-2000 MP3 player targeting the ill-fated shores of Japan, and perhaps, beyond. It runs for 5-hours on a single AAA battery and supports 1GB SD cards. You realize of course, that we are now at the dawn of disposable MP3 players don't you? Gawd save our souls.
It is the cheapest MP3 player I ever know. To get one will not do wrong for me!

DiGi 014

014 is a just recently added mobile phone access number available for customers of Malaysian Digi Telelcomunication Inc. Digi says:
In line with our continuing efforts to provide the best services, we're now offering new 014 numbers. Now, with both 016 and 014, you can enjoy the great range of innovative DiGi features at the same great value.

All services and products that are available in 016 will be applicable to 014 numbers as well, so be the first to experience the great change with DiGi being the first in Malaysia to introduce prefix 014.
So until now in Malaysia, there are together six mobile phone access numbers provided by three major tele-companies (Maxis: 012, 017; Celcom: 019, 013; and Digi: 016, 014)

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Thursday, April 6, 2006

Hagryphus Dinosaur

In the dianosaur family, there is one more new member called Hagryphus giganteus added. Scientists from the Utah state have discovered the remains of a new bird-like, carnivirous dinosaur in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM), southern Utah. Lindsay Zanno, a Ph.D student of the University of Utah authored the findings and published in the latest issue of peer-reviewed Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Based on the fossilized remains of hand and foot bones, comparisons with more complete skeletons found in Asia, scientists can estimate the height of this animal about 7 feet when it is standing upright.

The new dinosaur, formally dubbed Hagryphus giganteus, which means "giant four-footed, bird-like god of the western desert” in reference to the animal's outward resemblance to a large land bird, its giant stature, and its discovery in the Utah desert. Hagryphus is a member of the oviraptorosaurs, a group of bird-like feathered dinosaurs with toothless beaks, powerful arms and formidable claws. ......

Read the full news release of University of Utah (via Boing Boing)

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Palestinian Child Day --5 April

For the past few years, this day – Palestinian Child Day – has become synonymous with grief and pain. On the 5 April each year, Palestinian children have searched for their childhood and sought to renew their broken dreams. The event revives memories of their suffering and the suffering of their colleagues at the hands of the Israeli occupation. Since April 2002, when Israeli troops launched the largest military campaign against Palestinian civilians across the West Bank, the level of suffering increased. The campaign resulted in the killing, arrest, injury and bereavement of scores of children; and in the months and years that have followed, these atrocities have been repeated time and again across the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).

I like Children! Wish All Palestinian Children Like Children Elsewhere Well!

Link to Palestinian Child Day!

Something Special of CNN Screenshot

What do you want to say about the below screenshot by Jacob Appelbaum (a Livejournal blogger) on recent CNN's Technology section? CNN's free video is also doing something special to attract online traffics? :-)

Link via Boing Boing

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Honda Civic to Equip with Google Earth Satellite Mapping

Japanese auto mogul Honda is soon to equip Honda Civic in Japanese markets with Google Earth Satellite Mapping for its InterNavi Premium Club service. It is learned that Germany Volkswagen is also working on a similar system with the help of NVIDIA.

In keeping with the high-style Japanese culture, Honda's system displays traffic information in three colors: blue for smooth traffic, orange for busy and red for congested.

via DailyTech & Inside line

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Boot Camp lets Mac do Windows too!

More and more people are buying and loving Macs. To make this choice
simply irresistible, Apple will include technology in the next major
release of Mac OS X, Leopard, that lets you install and run the Windows
XP operating system on your Mac. Called Boot Camp (for now), you can
download a public beta on 5 April, 2006.
Mac does Windows, too!

via Engadget

Unusual Snubster

Snubster is now under beta, with its mission so different from those routine social networks such as friendster or myspace. Its "Dead to Me" feature is enough sure to be able to attract many users also.

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Adwords Referral

You have one more way to own online money. Google added another referral product aside from AdSense and Firefox--Adwords Referral to their Google Adsense program. After you login in your adsense account control panel, via AdSense -> Setup -> Referrals ->Adwords to get the concerning javascript codes and paste your website/blog template to install it.

Link via Blogoscoped

Fujitsu's Conceptual Fold-out Keyboard UMPC

The conceptual Fujitsu fold-out keyboard UMPC which is so different from the real-world product Samsung's Q1 is currently on show in Milan's Triennale di Milano as part of an Japanese Design exhibition. Link

Vulgar Italia, Silvio Berlusconi

First Sex abstinence, then Blacklisting China, now Coglioni, is he a articulate politician? If so, he has no need to perform these bizarre acts. I think, Italia people have already made choices between Berlusconi and Prodi in April-9 General Election.

Just for pleasure, here some more counts in the report entitled Pig Latin: Berlusconi vents the vernacular on opponents of Sydney Morning Herald:

He refers to the pro-business British magazine The Economist as The Ecommunist, suggests the Milanese investigating magistrates who are on his trail are sexual perverts and, although he deplores communists, he bends over backwards for the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, a former KGB chief. He even coached a cheer squad to chant VLA- DI-MIR; VLA-DI-MIR, outside one of his Sardinian villas, where he hosted Mr Putin.

He has compared himself to Napoleon and Christ, saying no other politician has achieved as much and been so persecuted.

Update: Berlusconi stepped down as Italian Prime Minister

New device to help the blind see

To see a vivid and colourful world may not a too far away dream for those who are blind! A new device can let patients of blindness even without eyes see again but with the brain. Portugal Scienctists made a medical miracle! A US lady named Robertson who lost both of her eyes in a tragical car accident is luckily enough to be the 16th person in the world to be treated and implanted special elctrodes in her brain. Thanks to the assistance of a device, she can see again.
A camera on the tip of Robertson's glasses sends signals to a computer that's strapped around her waist. The computer then stimulates electrodes in the brain through a cord that attaches to the head. Patients see flashes of light and outlines of objects.
Link via World Famous in the Philippines

Brian Doyle Blamed For Sexually Explicit Conversations

Brian J. Doyle, the deputy press secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is reported to have sexually explicit conversations with a 14-year old girl on the Internet and sent the girl pornographic movie clips, as well as non-sexual photos of himself. Such disgrace is poised to take him down over his current position as well as his political career.


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Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Sesame Street's Controversial Video- Sesame Beginnings

'Sesame Beginnings,' designed to promote positive interactions for kids under 2 and their caregivers, hits shelves Tuesday,April 4, 2006. The project has drawn fire from some experts who note that the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against TV viewing for children under 2. (AP Photo/Sesame Workshop-Zero to Three,Theo Wargo)


Google Earth Critised by India

Though the Google spokesperson referring to Google Earth said: "Google's freely available technology has been used for vital purposes ranging from fighting forest fires to emergency response, rescue, and relief in natural disasters such as the Kashmir earthquake relief efforts and the Mithi river floodplain project."

India General Army J.J. Signh disagreed in a defence seminar held by an Indian confederation: "This satellite images definitely would give an advantage to our adversaries. We concede that these satellite images do compromise our sensitive and strategic sites. But we are not the only ones affected. So a major universal effort has to be there to get it blocked." Link

Bugs Worth $57 Billion

Think twice before you swat a fly or squash a bug: A new study says insects contribute more than $57 billion (euro47 billion) a year to the U.S. economy.

Sumocat's Scribble--a handwritten blog

The first of its kind of the handwritten posts I ever saw on the blogsphere. All entries in Sumocat's Scribble- are handwritten by a tech enthusiast who loves the Tablet PC. The most recent post there titled Create Link in Ink told of how the author built the hyperlink in his image post. Cool Stuffs! Wouldn't you like to try such refreshing blogging experience if you have an Tablet PC already? Via Only UMPC

Google Logo to be on the Moon?

Google is comtemplating to imprint their Google Logo on the surface of Moon? Run across such news content on Sina.com:




Monday, April 3, 2006

Sony CE-P MP3 Player

Sony China Creative Center based in Shanghai has created the first MP3 player Sony, which features an 1.5″ 260K color OLED display, MP3/WMA playback, build-in FM tuner, FM recording, voice recording, BMP/JPEG display et al. Currently the namecard sized CE-P series are available at CE-P13 about $100, CE-P15 for about $125, and the 1GB CE-P15 for about $150 with the memory at 256MB, 512MB and 1G, respectively.

Google Maps API Version 2

Google officially launched Google Maps API V. 2, which has been undertaken a beta-test for some time already. The new version of API achieved numerous improvement such as cleanising much of the API, and performance improvement and stability in fundamental. Other features include
  • Much smaller JavaScript download.
  • Two additional satellite zoom levels.
  • Overview map.
  • Extensibility and a new GMap2 class.
  • Fewer memory leaks.
  • Debugging log.
  • a GLatLng class that is distinct from GPoint.
Another important update is that version 2 has friedlier terms. Particularly, the two parts of previous terms that troubled developers the most have been clarified :
  • No page view limits.
  • 90-day notice before any advertising-related change.
If wanna more, Maps API Version 2 may entertain you. Have fun!

Google Fashion House

Google Fashion HouseA fashion house named Google was found in Hang Zhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Provice, China and posted on Flickr. The shop owner must have admired the search giant Google so much and wanna exploit his/her revenues by means of Google's well-known brand effects! However, don't know if such business strategy is effective or not.

An Aheist's Thought

Just came across Save America From Itself--an atheist Harry Bathwater's blog, I am feeling quite interesting and reasonable. Below are selected excerpts from one of its posts:

The world is heading in a dangerous direction and it's because of this pernicious belief in god.

A belief in god shows a dramatic lack of understanding of the real world.

We have created god for two reasons.

1. It is a way of explaining things we don't understand. Death, the weather etc.

2. It is a fantastic way for a lot of people to make a living.

God and the devil is a "carrot and stick" designed to make us do what someone else wants us to do and there a lot of people in the world telling us we need to contribute to their church to please god. It is the biggest confidence trick ever.

Tags: Atheism Atheist God Religion

Sunday, April 2, 2006


It is learned from MobileKorea.TV that Maycom, a Korean multimedia device manufacturer, has released a new Portable Multimedia Player (PMP) named Mbird XZ-22 . The device is measured 48.6 x 89.0 x 14.6 cm in dimension and only a mere 65g in weight. The other features incude a 2.2-inch, 260,000-color TFT-LCD display, up to 360 hours of recoding time, play or copy files without computer connection using USB hosting. It is now is available in 512MB, 1GB, and 2GB capacities. Engadget commented " Nothing mind blowing, but it's an aesthetic step forward for one of the worst habitual offenders of taste in the audio player world, that's for sure." Yes, it is absolutely cool!

Japan Launched Mobile TV for Free

A test digital broadcast is shown on a mobile phone during a demonstration at Japan's top mobile company NTT DoCoMo headquarters in Tokyo Monday, March 13, 2006. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi, FILE)

Digital TV broadcasts for mobile phones was launched in Japan's major urban areas since 1 April, after following several months of test broadcasts. The service is free, but consumers need to buy special receivers which are now not so easy to get one as only limited numbers available on the market. link to The News Star

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Nokia N999

Aalaap Ghag of MoneyControl says:

Bigger just is better - that seems to be the mantra over at Nokia. After the hugely successful and also successfully huge Nokia N90, the designers figured they could go the extra mile. If the phone is already as big as a baton and people are lovin' it, why not just make it a wee bit bigger and some more features to appease the gadget hungry? Enter the Nokia N999, featuring a best-in-class 22 megapixel digital camera, 8-channel surround audio coming out from each twistable side of the phone, a full-size 16X dual-layer DVD burner instead of the prick-sized memory cards in use today, a 9-inch (diagonal) plasma (not LCD!) display capable of 1024×768!.....

Nokia N999

Isn't it a super handphone? Go HERE to find more about this versatile cellphone! :-) (Picture credit: MoneyControl)

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Food for Bridegroom and Bride

Nice food was served for Bridegroom and Bride on the traditional Malay Weddings! They look simple but very colourful!