Giuliani Moves Toward White House Bid WASHINGTON -- The man once dubbed "America's mayor" has taken the first step toward becoming America's next president.
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a Republican moderate who achieved near-mythic popularity for his handling of the Sept. 11 attacks, filed papers Friday in New York to create the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Exploratory Committee Inc. A copy of the document was obtained by The Associated Press.
Atrios As with McCain, the media is Giuiliani's base - I think Chris Matthews has a bigger mancrush on him than he does on either McCain or Bush - so Rudy will get an immense amount of free media attention. He's also an utterly unprincipled man, so we can see him throwing his old positions - and old friends and roommates - under the bus as he proves he can hate the gay as much as the next Republican candidate for president.
He won't win, but he might get enough attention to grab a bunch of the McCain vote. Then hello candidate Brownback!
Josh Marshall Perhaps this is something of an existential question. But do we really have to pretend that Rudy Giuliani has more than a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Republican presidential nomination? Or can we all just stipulate that a multiple adulterer, who supports gay civil rights and choice, has deep and on-going ties to mobbed-up and now-disgraced Police boss Bernie Kerik, has a largely unscrutinized (outside of New York) resume, and had the bright idea of locating the NYC disaster center in the already-once-bombed World Trade Center probably will have some rough sledding in Republican primaries?
How long will it take John '08 McCain or any other Republican use pictures of Rudy '08 Giuliani in drag for their political benefit?

My prediction,
about two minutes after a Republican poll comes out showing Rudy '08 Giuliani in the lead in Iowa or New Hampshire.
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