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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Page and Brin Invest in the Big Screen

It was learned that Google Inc. co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page are doing something beyond Google common businesses.

After becoming Internet moguls, Google Inc. co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page are dipping their toes into Hollywood.

The pair are executive producers of a low-budget, independent film to be released next year, "Broken Arrows," written and directed by a friend of theirs, Reid Gershbein.

Google's founders tapped into their vast personal fortunes, estimated at $16 billion each, to fund about half the film's budget. Production cost just under $1 million, according to Gershbein......

A spokeswoman for Google confirmed the role of her company's founders in the film but declined to discuss any other details.

The investment by Google's founders may give insight into how they plan to use their deep pockets, a topic they have never discussed publicly. Although relatively thrifty, they have splurged on occasion, such as their film investment and buying a Boeing 767 jet to help ferry themselves and employees around the globe. (link)

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