"It was kind of funny, honestly. What do you do? You say there's two halves, but 41-0 at halftime, you just have to work on fundamentals again or something, I don't know. That's pretty amazing."Indeed.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Da Bears: 41-10
Adewale Ogunleye
Friday, October 27, 2006
Ten-Sen: Ideological Acrobatics & Boundless Charm
A New-Model Ford
In a year in when rubber stamp Republicans are running away from President Bush and Democratic Senate candidates are running winning populist campaigns, Harold Ford Jr. is running as a better kind of ‘Conservative’. Even with all this political acrobatics and this charm Harold Ford Jr. at the end of the day is still a Black Democrat running in the Old South. The GOP is using their standard playbook appealing to racist voters. The Southern Strategy is out in full force for Republican Bob Corker, which might give him boost he needs to become the next Senator of Tennessee. Hopefully one day the Republican Southern Strategy will die, but that day might not come soon enough for Democrat Harold Ford Jr.
While militant God-talk has long been a staple of Republican campaigns, shooting ads inside the "Lord's house" has been considered off-limits. But that wasn't the biggest source of surprise when Tennesseans started seeing the now-famous "church ad" in September. The candidate exploiting his faith was a Democrat--Harold Ford Jr., the 36-year-old Congressman from Memphis. Once considered a quixotic long shot to fill the US Senate seat left vacant by Republican majority leader Bill Frist, Ford has risen from a double-digit deficit in the polls to draw even with former Chattanooga Mayor Bob Corker, a moderately conservative multimillionaire with all the charisma of a tree stump. Ford could deliver the Democrats a majority in the Senate by becoming just the fourth African-American ever elected to that chamber by popular vote, and the first from the South. [..]Nothing will.
Rocketing back and forth across the green hills of Tennessee with unflagging energy, Ford has wooed white conservatives with an exuberant mash-up of high-voltage star power, earthy eloquence and a contrarian right-wingery that never fails to surprise and delight. "I get in trouble with Democrats," he confessed not long ago to the Rotary Club in the town of Cleveland, "because I like President Bush." In a year when most Republican candidates won't touch their Commander in Chief with a ten-foot pole, Ford hugs him tight. "They say I don't look like you," he recently assured a crowd of Caucasians at the Catfish Place in Camden, "but I share your values." [..]
It is anything but clear what kind of senator Ford will make if he can break that old curse. Some Democrats hope he'll edge back toward his original centrism; many expect him to join the small band of Congressional DINOs (Democrats in Name Only) led by Senator Joe Lieberman, whom Ford recently endorsed over Democrat Ned Lamont. But there is no question that Tennessee voters' verdict on November 7 will send a loud and lasting message about the viability of black Democrats in statewide (not to mention national) races. If Ford's ideological acrobatics and boundless charm can't make white voters look past the color of his skin, what will?
In a year in when rubber stamp Republicans are running away from President Bush and Democratic Senate candidates are running winning populist campaigns, Harold Ford Jr. is running as a better kind of ‘Conservative’. Even with all this political acrobatics and this charm Harold Ford Jr. at the end of the day is still a Black Democrat running in the Old South. The GOP is using their standard playbook appealing to racist voters. The Southern Strategy is out in full force for Republican Bob Corker, which might give him boost he needs to become the next Senator of Tennessee. Hopefully one day the Republican Southern Strategy will die, but that day might not come soon enough for Democrat Harold Ford Jr.
Yelling Nancy Pelosi Name …
… over and over won’t work.
Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of ConservativeHQ.com, warned Republicans that scare tactics against Democrats will not succeed in increasing social or economic conservative voters on Election Day.But, Republicans like Peter Roskam running in 6th Congressional District of Illinois is still going to try to scare voters by yelling Nacy Pelois name rather than offer anything positive. Fear and lies is all Republicans have left to run on.
“The big-spending, high-deficit, morally-deficient Republican Party hasn’t anything to offer conservatives except Halloween scare tactics about the Democrats. But since the GOP majority in Congress has engaged in an unprecedented spending spree, conservatives know that Democrats cannot be any worse and that divided government may lead to less spending,” Viguerie said.
“And conservatives have learned that, while Republicans sometimes provide significant symbolism on social issues, in truth, many of them have a disdain for values voters,” he added.
“Trying to frighten conservatives by yelling ‘Nancy Pelosi’ and ‘Harry Reid’ won’t work this time."
Sports Illustrated: Most Overrated Player
Can you guess what Chicago Bear made the list?
Brian Urlacher is the best middle linebacker in NFL. Almost every single football team will exchange their linebacker for Urlacher, even for Ray Lewis who is a few years past his prime. Urlacher might not get all the sacks or interceptions but, he makes every single play which is ask of him. Urlacher put his team on his back and will the Chicago Bears to victory on Monday Night versus the Cardinals. This poll is worthless.
Brian Urlacher finished second to Terrell Owens as the "most overrated player" in a Sports Illustrated poll of 361 NFL players. Owens was the "winner" at 10 percent to Urlacher's 8 percent, followed by Ray Lewis and Michael Vick (7) and Eli Manning and Keyshawn Johnson (4.1).Ridiculous.
Don't try selling that to the Bears.
"Bunch of haters, in my opinion," said defensive coordinator Ron Rivera, who wondered why players would participate in a survey trashing each other. Coach Lovie Smith simply dismissed the results.
"I'll just say I was watching Monday night [against Arizona] and I saw a pretty good football player," Smith said.
Brian Urlacher is the best middle linebacker in NFL. Almost every single football team will exchange their linebacker for Urlacher, even for Ray Lewis who is a few years past his prime. Urlacher might not get all the sacks or interceptions but, he makes every single play which is ask of him. Urlacher put his team on his back and will the Chicago Bears to victory on Monday Night versus the Cardinals. This poll is worthless.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Stay the Course
A vote for any Republican is a vote for more of the same in Iraq.
Had enough? If so, vote for Democratic Party in '06.
Had enough? If so, vote for Democratic Party in '06.
IL-6: Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Celebrity and controversy mark 6th race
Check out this hard hitting ad.
In a day on the 6th Congressional District campaign trail that accentuated their divergent strategies, Democrat Tammy Duckworth rallied with actor Michael J. Fox to push for federal funding for embryonic stem cell research while Republican Peter Roskam toured four towns to discuss local transportation needs. [..]This is a big issue for me, I'm a paraplegic due to a spinal cord injury. Embryonic stem cell research gives people like Michael J. Fox and I hope for a cure. It might not happen in my life time but, research should not be stop by politicians in the cause of being "pro-life". It is very unfortunate that this has become a partisan issue by Republicans which lead Rush Limbaugh to mock Michael J. Fox then later apologize for this attacks. It has become clear one party (Democratic Party) will fully support embryonic stem cell research while the other party (GOP) will not. It's an other reason to support Democratic candidates in the upcoming elections.
Before a crowd of about 200 Duckworth supporters at a Wheaton country club, Fox called the promise that embryonic stem cell research holds "the greatest positive there could be" during a political season focused heavily on negatives.
Duckworth pledged to support federal funding of embryonic stem cell research in Congress, saying: "We need someone in Washington who will put science above politics.
"Unfortunately hope is something that is in shorter supply today than it should be because there are some who instead of supporting these advances have put in place road blocks and hurdles."
Check out this hard hitting ad.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
You Play Four Complete Quarters
Bears Coach Lovie Smith after hearing Cardinals coach Dennis Green's tirade.
Complete game: During Dennis Green’s now-infamous post-game tirade, the Arizona head coach lamented that the Cardinals “let the Bears off the hook.”Indeed.
“Of course, I see it a little bit differently than that,” Smith said. “I think you have to win the football game and that’s what we were able to do. As I’ve talked about not getting championships after five games into the season, you don’t get a victory until you play four complete quarters. And that’s just what we were able to do. We were able to finish the football game and we’ll just leave it at that.”
IL-Gov: Green Party
SurveyUSA poll
I think Rich Whitney will at the end only pull at the most 8% of the total vote and Rod Blogojevich will pull at a victory, a hollow victory for Illinois Democratic Party if Blogojevich troubles continue.
In the Illinois gubernatorial race, a new SurveyUSA poll shows the support of both Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) and challenger Judy Baar Topinka (R) down, with Green Party candidate Rich Whitney surging.Wow, Rich Whitney is pulling 14% of the vote and 29% of independents. I guess I'm not alone with my dislike of Illinois Democrat Rod Blogojevich. The Illinois GOP continue to make mistakes, they should have ran a conservative candidate rather than a middle of the road Republican Judy Baar Topinka. I'm not in the business of giving advise to the GOP but, outsider conservative will have given Illinois voters a clear choice between an ethically troubled Democrat incumbent who is bleeding support to a Green Party candidate. Judy Baar Topinka needed to win independent vote big over Rod Blogojevich in order to win the election, but the Republican is only up by 2% points to Rich Whitney of the Green Party. Not good. 2006 will be a bad year for Republicans, but this was a winable race due to the fault of Rod Blogojevich.
Blogojevich leads with 44%, while Topinka gets 34% and Whitney pulls an astonishing 14%.
Key finding: "Among Illinois independents, the candidates are effectively tied: Topinka gets 31%, Whitney 29%, Blagojevich 27%."
I think Rich Whitney will at the end only pull at the most 8% of the total vote and Rod Blogojevich will pull at a victory, a hollow victory for Illinois Democratic Party if Blogojevich troubles continue.
Unhinged Republicans: Rep. Barbara Cubin
Rankin, who has multiple sclerosis and uses an electric wheelchair, said Monday night in a telephone interview with The Associated Press that the confrontation occurred immediately after the debate.What's wrong with these people?
"My aide and I were packing up to leave the debate, and Barbara walked over to me and said, 'If you weren't sitting in that chair, I'd slap you across the face.' That's quote-unquote," Rankin said.
2006 Elections: Republicans
Click on the links to get information on GOP candidates running in 2006.
--AZ-Sen: Jon Kyl
--AZ-01: Rick Renzi
--AZ-05: J.D. Hayworth
--CA-04: John Doolittle
--CA-11: Richard Pombo
--CA-50: Brian Bilbray
--CO-04: Marilyn Musgrave
--CO-05: Doug Lamborn
--CO-07: Rick O'Donnell
--CT-04: Christopher Shays
--FL-13: Vernon Buchanan
--FL-16: Joe Negron
--FL-22: Clay Shaw
--ID-01: Bill Sali
--IL-06: Peter Roskam
--IL-10: Mark Kirk
--IL-14: Dennis Hastert
--IN-02: Chris Chocola
--IN-08: John Hostettler
--IA-01: Mike Whalen
--KS-02: Jim Ryun
--KY-03: Anne Northup
--KY-04: Geoff Davis
--MD-Sen: Michael Steele
--MN-01: Gil Gutknecht
--MN-06: Michele Bachmann
--MO-Sen: Jim Talent
--MT-Sen: Conrad Burns
--NV-03: Jon Porter
--NH-02: Charlie Bass
--NJ-07: Mike Ferguson
--NM-01: Heather Wilson
--NY-03: Peter King
--NY-20: John Sweeney
--NY-26: Tom Reynolds
--NY-29: Randy Kuhl
--NC-08: Robin Hayes
--NC-11: Charles Taylor
--OH-01: Steve Chabot
--OH-02: Jean Schmidt
--OH-15: Deborah Pryce
--OH-18: Joy Padgett
--PA-04: Melissa Hart
--PA-07: Curt Weldon
--PA-08: Mike Fitzpatrick
--PA-10: Don Sherwood
--RI-Sen: Lincoln Chafee
--TN-Sen: Bob Corker
--VA-Sen: George Allen
--VA-10: Frank Wolf
--WA-Sen: Mike McGavick
--WA-08: Dave Reichert
--AZ-Sen: Jon Kyl
--AZ-01: Rick Renzi
--AZ-05: J.D. Hayworth
--CA-04: John Doolittle
--CA-11: Richard Pombo
--CA-50: Brian Bilbray
--CO-04: Marilyn Musgrave
--CO-05: Doug Lamborn
--CO-07: Rick O'Donnell
--CT-04: Christopher Shays
--FL-13: Vernon Buchanan
--FL-16: Joe Negron
--FL-22: Clay Shaw
--ID-01: Bill Sali
--IL-06: Peter Roskam
--IL-10: Mark Kirk
--IL-14: Dennis Hastert
--IN-02: Chris Chocola
--IN-08: John Hostettler
--IA-01: Mike Whalen
--KS-02: Jim Ryun
--KY-03: Anne Northup
--KY-04: Geoff Davis
--MD-Sen: Michael Steele
--MN-01: Gil Gutknecht
--MN-06: Michele Bachmann
--MO-Sen: Jim Talent
--MT-Sen: Conrad Burns
--NV-03: Jon Porter
--NH-02: Charlie Bass
--NJ-07: Mike Ferguson
--NM-01: Heather Wilson
--NY-03: Peter King
--NY-20: John Sweeney
--NY-26: Tom Reynolds
--NY-29: Randy Kuhl
--NC-08: Robin Hayes
--NC-11: Charles Taylor
--OH-01: Steve Chabot
--OH-02: Jean Schmidt
--OH-15: Deborah Pryce
--OH-18: Joy Padgett
--PA-04: Melissa Hart
--PA-07: Curt Weldon
--PA-08: Mike Fitzpatrick
--PA-10: Don Sherwood
--RI-Sen: Lincoln Chafee
--TN-Sen: Bob Corker
--VA-Sen: George Allen
--VA-10: Frank Wolf
--WA-Sen: Mike McGavick
--WA-08: Dave Reichert
Karl Rove Wet Dream: A GOP Long-Lasting Majority
Karl Rove dream was built on increasing their support among Hispanics and decreasing Blacks support for Democratic Party.
Latino and black voters reassessing ties to GOP
Latino and black voters reassessing ties to GOP
WASHINGTON - A major effort to draw Latinos and blacks into the Republican Party, a central element of the GOP plan to build a long-lasting majority, is in danger of collapse amid anger over the immigration debate and claims that Republican leaders have not delivered on promises to direct more money to church-based social services.Reality has finally shined on Karl Rove plans. The uglier side of consertavism does not match President Bush rhetoric of compassion. Immigrant bashing (specially Mexicans bashing) and spreading fear as a central part of Republican campaigns will not endear Hispanics to the GOP. Talking a good game might work on conservative base, but Hispanics and Black want action rather than hollow promises of change.
President Bush, strategist Karl Rove and other top Republicans have wooed Latino and black leaders, many of them evangelical clergy who lead large congregations, in hopes of peeling away the traditional Democratic base. But now some of the leaders who helped Bush win in 2004 are revisiting their loyalty to the Republican Party and, in some cases, abandoning it.
Share the Wealth John Kerry
New York Times:
Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004, came under fire last week when it was pointed out that he had contributed only $15,000 this year to the partyÂ’s senatorial committee. Heyjohn.org, whose creator has remained anonymous, highlights the fact that Mr. Kerry has $14 million in his campaign accounts.Insulting loyal Democrats who funding your '04 Presidential run is not a bright idea for a Senator who lost and is going to run again in '08. Democrats across the county will remember Democratic politicaians who sat on thier big warchest while Democratic candidates stuggle to fight off negative GOP attacks ads and GOTV efforts by the Repubicans. If those Democratic candidates lose due to the lack of funds, people like John Kerry will have a pice to pay.
Dismissing the criticism, his spokesman, David Wade, said Mr. Kerry had contributed $2.8 million to campaign committees, state parties and individual candidates in this election cycle. And in appearances across the country and in Internet appeals, Mr. Wade said, the senator has helped raise about $7 million for candidates.
“Cowards can hide behind anonymous Web sites,” Mr. Wade said, “but Democrats out in the country, party leaders and real net-roots activists know how hard John Kerry has fought to win these elections.”
Monday, October 23, 2006
IL: Bill Clinton On the Campaign Trail
Clinton Stumps Monday For Bean, Duckworth
CHICAGO -- Former President Bill Clinton is in Chicago Monday to raise money and offer support for Illinois Democratic candidates Tammy Duckworth and Melissa Bean.
Both are running in high-profile races.
Rep. Bean, who represents the traditionally Republican district in Chicago's northwest suburbs, is expected to face a tough challenge from Republican investment banker David McSweeney.
With GOP Rep. Henry Hyde retiring after 31 years in Congress, there's an open seat in the west suburban 6th congressional district, which Duckworth hopes to fill. She was an Army helicopter pilot until November 2004, when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Blackhawk she was piloting. She lost both her legs in the attack and uses prosthetics.
Barack Obama '08
Did the junior Senator from Illinois just flip flop?
In a decided and unequivocal shift, Sen. Barack Obama said Sunday he is seriously considering a run for the White House in 2008, affirming the stunningly rapid trajectory of a political career that saw him in the Illinois legislature just two years ago.
In an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," the same program where he categorically ruled out a run just last January, Obama went further than ever in discussing his Oval Office ambitions, and left clear the impression that he could well run, a move that would fundamentally reshape the contest for the Democratic nomination. [..]
When asked if he was ready to be president, Obama said, "Well, I'm not sure anybody is ready to be president before they're president. You know, ultimately, I trust the judgment of the American people that in any election they sort it through. We have a long and rigorous process, and, you know, should I decide to run, if I ever did decide to run, I'm confident that I'd be run through the paces pretty good, including on `Meet the Press.'"
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Silver Lining for Conservatives?
The Prince of Darkness Robert Novak looks on the bright side of Demcorats winning control of the House.
Right gains
The House will be less Republican and perhaps Democratic-controlled because of the Nov. 7 elections, but it may be more conservative. The Republican Study Committee, the conservative caucus, will gain a higher percentage of House Republicans.
Three committee members are leaving the House to run for higher office, while eight more are seriously threatened for re-election, though some may survive. Against that, seven new Republican candidates who are heavily favored to win and five with a good chance are conservatives who probably will join the committee. In addition, several non-committee moderate Republicans may lose, possibly including all three GOP members from Connecticut.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
IL-8: Open Thread
Tribune/WGN-TV poll:
It is going to be an ugly night on Nov. 7th for the GOP.
In the northwest suburban 8th Congressional District, the survey found strong re-election support for freshman Democrat Melissa Bean, suggesting that her 2004 upset of 35-year Republican U.S. Rep. Phil Crane was no fluke. [..]Illinois 8th Congressional District was one of the Republicans best hopes of knocking of a Democratic House member, now rubber stamp Bush Republican is down by 19-points to a Democrat in a seat that Republicans were winning by large margins in pass elections if this poll is to be believed.
Crane's undoing two years ago was largely his own. Voters turned to Bean because they were fed up with being represented by a veteran lawmaker who increasingly seemed out of touch with the district and suffered a well-publicized alcohol problem.
Now Bean is enjoying the advantage of incumbency, which helps raise her profile and ability to raise campaign money. That, in part, can account for the survey finding Bean holding a commanding 19-point lead over McSweeney.
It is going to be an ugly night on Nov. 7th for the GOP.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Da Bears: 24-23
Cardinals coach Dennis Green,
"They are what we thought they were," Green said. "We played them in preseason. Who the hell picks a third game in preseason like it's [meaningless]? We played them in the third [exhibition] game. Everybody played three quarters. The Bears are who we thought they were. That's why we took the damn field. If you want to crown them, just crown their ass. We let them off the hook."It was a game the Bears should have lost 30+ to 3, but the Bears pull off Monday night miracle. I'm still shocked, what a game. Go Bears.
With that, Green stormed out of the room.
Monday, October 16, 2006
The Wire
HBO 'The Wire' is one of the best shows on television. It continues to be a hard hitting show even without Avon Barksdale (locked up) and Stringer Bell (Killed). In the 4th season Marlo battles Omar, the police and anybody else in this way and Carcetti faces off against Royce to become the Mayor. One of the great thing about the show is goes in detail about the uglier side of local politics in a big city and how it affects police department. The main focus of this season deals with 'corner kids ' in and out of school, which is different from past seasons. Unlike the Sopranos, The Wire has not miss a beat in it's story telling. Any predictions on how the show is going to end this season?
The Wire: Stringer Bell Gets Blasted
The Wire: Stringer Bell Gets Blasted
Monday Night Football: Da Bears!
The 5-0 Chicago Bears vs. 1-4 Arizona Cardinals. Check out Chicago Bears highlights thru week five.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
IL-14: Tony Snow & $175-a-plate fund-raiser
Hastert and Snow steer away from controversy
A President Bush has made a career on not being the smartest guy in the room. A permanent Republican majority was Karl Rove main goal of the Bush Presidency, it was suppose to be their legacy. Tony Snow is laying it on pretty thick for this boss. The President Bush and this Republican party legacy might come done to one word, failure.
Fear, lies and rhetoric is all they have left.
John Laesch (D) for Congress!
ST. CHARLES -- At Denny Hastert's 19th annual "Mega Event" -- the $175-a-plate fund-raiser at the Q Center Saturday night -- Republicans talked about pulling together during this time of adversity.Tony Snow continues..
"Every time we've faced a crisis like this, we've whomped 'em," said guest speaker Tony Snow, the White House press secretary and former Fox News anchor.
But Snow and Hastert weren't talking about the congressional page scandal about which the speaker has answered endless questions for two weeks.
Both Hastert and Snow skirted the sensational questions about Hastert's knowledge of the scandal and focused on GOP election issues: the economy, the war on terror and, of course, Sept. 11.
Snow talked about Bush's attitudes on North Korea ("We made offers they couldn't refuse ,and somehow they did. They behaved like brats"); the oil crisis ("The president believes in innovating his way out of it"); and his hopes for building a democracy in Iraq ("It's tough. Everybody knows it's tough. But the benefits are unbelievable").Who is he kidding?
Snow said that contrary to popular opinion, Bush is a big, brash thinker, who always is the smartest guy in the room.
"He's not a guy who sits around thinking: What's going to be my legacy?" Snow said. "People call him a poker player, but it's more like a chess player."
A President Bush has made a career on not being the smartest guy in the room. A permanent Republican majority was Karl Rove main goal of the Bush Presidency, it was suppose to be their legacy. Tony Snow is laying it on pretty thick for this boss. The President Bush and this Republican party legacy might come done to one word, failure.
Fear, lies and rhetoric is all they have left.
John Laesch (D) for Congress!
Voter Disillusionment in Illinois
Voters face unhappy choice
Illinois voters are unhappy with Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich, but they like Republican challenger Judy Baar Topinka even less, giving the incumbent the advantage less than a month before the election, a new Tribune/WGN-TV poll shows.Add me to the list of unhappy Illinois voters. Blagojevich has been a big disappointment. He will win again, but it might it a costly victory for Illinois Democrats if Blagojevich does not overcome this ethics troubles.
The poll reveals widespread voter disillusionment even before the latest allegations of corruption, setting the stage for a lackluster turnout in the Nov. 7 election. And as the election moves closer, voters are becoming increasingly unsure about where to turn. [...]
The survey showed Blagojevich with the support of 43 percent of the voters polled, while Topinka had 29 percent and Green Party candidate Rich Whitney had 9 percent. Another 17 percent were undecided, and 2 percent offered choices for governor not among the names appearing on the Nov. 7 ballot.
The poll, conducted Oct. 8 to Wednesday among 600 likely voters, has an error margin of 4 percentage points.
Blagojevich's 14 percentage point advantage over Topinka represents an incremental increase from the 12 percentage point lead he held in a Tribune poll conducted almost a month ago.
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